Dreaming of consequences

Tina Das
3 min readApr 18, 2021


The sun hits me rather hard, like a nightmare. I automatically look around panicked to see him sleeping next to me.

I gaze at him for what feels like an eternity, thewrinkles near his eyes. Zits popping up in his forehead.His funny nose. I put my hand and caress his hair softly.

If this is a dream, never wake me up

Source: https://softjoy.tumblr.com/

Another one

I ask for.

She hands me the cigarette.

She looks rather concerned. Are you okay? she asked.

I’m fine. I had estimated this, just not this early.

I could see Amelia was scrolling through Facebook, the reflection in her glasses.

“So you’re all packed right? Let’s go” she said.

I took one last look at the room and left.

As we drove from the house I stole one last glace of our apartment. I opened my phone and scrolled through the news.


2 days ago, on our anniversary we went to the local bar to have drinks.

He’s usually a calm person, careful thinker but something was off about him that night. I had a feeling he was going to break up with me and I was honestly just waiting.

After a couple of drinks I noticed that his ex had also come in with her boyfriend. I knew this was going to be a bad day.

The alcohol got the best of everyone that day and before we knew it, a fight had erupted. It started between a random guy assaulting my boyfriend’s ex but soon several others joined taking sides.

I quickly wore my gloves and overcoat, scrambling through people I held on to him and told him to stay out of this. He said he couldn’t, he had to fight, he loved her.

I let go.

The fight turned violet when the bar manager took out his gun and shot. The assaulter was shot on the leg. He too took out a gun and shot back and everything went black. I remember collapsing and someone reaching out to me. I held on tight, as I exited I caught sight of my boyfriend helping out the manager. The place had almost cleared out.

He asked me to help him as the manager was injured, we took him to the washroom. I called the ambulance immediately. Time was running out. I could see the manager passing out and this was my chance. I took out the gun from his front pocket. It was already peeping out calling to me.

Jane, what are you doing?

I’m tired of your shit.

I pull the trigger.

My gloves tainted with his blood, the gun tainted with the manager’s fingerprints.

The sun hits me rather hard, like a nightmare. I automatically look around panicked to see him sleeping next to me.

I gaze at him for what feels like an eternity, the wrinkles near his eyes. Zits popping up in his forehead.His funny nose. I put my hand and caress his hair softly.

Do not drive me to the point where I make this dream a reality.

He puts his arms around me, hugging me tight. He knows what I like in the mornings. He takes off my pants and giggles like a little boy. He digs his nose into my collar bones and sniffs.

What did I do to deserve this?

You’ll never know.

I almost feel like I can never let you go.

You better not.

I smile brightly.

Charles Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil, 1856 (1947 edition)



Tina Das

A story teller. Perhaps even something more than that. Looking for things only the fortunate are deemed for.